Business Intelligence in Construction

The pace of change and development of data and information technology today, is astonishing. The sheer amount of data available can be mesmerizing and, if not managed, thoroughly confusing or even counterproductive.

SA Budget 2019: a fine balancing act!

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s maiden budget speech, next week, will be delivered against the backdrop of slower and weaker economic growth coupled with deteriorating public finances.

How RIB can help you to prepare for VAT changes

Any business operating in the UAE today will have to determine what VAT they will need to pay to the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) at the designated times dictated under their tax registration.  

How will VAT impact Middle East construction contractors?

Towards the end of 2017 and the realisation that the proposed introduction of VAT to the UAE was going to happen, you might remember a discernable uplift in cash flow as companies invoiced and billed to beat the 5% levy about to be incurred.  

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