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Striving for improved speed, accuracy, and transparency of your estimation and project controls?


From First Estimate, to Final Certificate – “Spring into Action” with our October Candy Deals.
Save 50% on the initial licence fee when you purchase a new Candy licence
Save 50% on any of our 3 Candy Master template libraries
Candy Licence - 50% off initial fee Candy Master - 50% off any Master Connect Plus - 3 months FREE Candy Training - 25% off

Complete your details  to redeem this offer

Offer ends 31st October

This offer is only valid for the Sub Saharan Africa region
Terms and Conditions

*Terms, conditions, features, pricing, service and support are subject to change without notice.*Payment needs to be made before 31 October 2023. Candy licences need to be set before 7 November 2023. Combo deal: 50% off initial licence fee for standard standalone candy licenses only. Save 50% on any Candy Master Template library. Connect Plus – get 3 months free subscription for 3 Users. Save 50% on Candy Training Courses until 31 December 2023 (excluding C102 & C202).

Download Candy for Free.

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