How the world’s best Construction Management Software helped Build Dubai International Airport – CONCOURSE A

When people think of Dubai airport, images of state of the art structures and technology come to mind.
How to Minimise VAT Exposure Using RIB CCS’s Candy and BuildSmart

Construction Software Providers are (or at least should be) embedding updates and changes to keep pace with the changing legislation and conditions of the markets in which their customers operate.
How the world’s best estimating software helped build Burj Al Arab

Burj Al Arab is renowned worldwide as the epitome of luxury in the hospitality industry.
How VAT will affect the construction industry in the Middle East?

When asking the question of how VAT will impact the constructionindustry in the Middle East, we should consider that all businesses whethersimple small retail stalls right up to multi-national corporations need toadapt and adjust to the new legislation.
The Best VAT Software for the Construction Industry

The best Construction Project Management Software for you is theone that most aligns itself with how you operate (or wish to be operating).
Who Benefits from Integrated Construction Project Software?

At the cuttingedge of technology, Integrated Construction Project Management softwareprovides contractors with an incredibly diverse and effective tool box thatthey could only think of as pipe dreams in the past.
Why Workflow and Routing are so Important in Construction Software

Themodern software market is extremely competitive with multiple providersproviding what can appear to be very similar solutions.
How much does construction software cost and how to achieve results fast

The cost of construction software is going to depend on what you are able and willing to invest.
The Top 9 Benefits Of Construction Software

The top construction businesses around the globe have embraced the technology of Construction Software to maximise their profitability and efficiency.
How to estimate construction costs: Ensuring you stay on budget throughout your project

The modern construction industry typically deals with large numbers in terms of dollar amounts in converse proportion to the relatively small numbers concerned with available margins.